About us

This website has been sponsored by the Sunderland Point Community Association (SPCA) to provide information to visitors, residents, and friends of Sunderland Point.

It has been compiled by residents. The intention is to develop the website over time to capture everything relevant that tells the story of Sunderland Point from the past to the present.

The Point is high risk for flooding and the impact forecasts of climate change suggest we will one day be washed away - hopefully not too soon.

About the SPCA 

All residents and owners of property are eligible to be members of the Association and to take part in an annual election of officers and committee members.

Originally established to work with the Environment Agency the SPCA was set up to act as go-between the villagers and the Agency in setting up domestic flood defences systems. Its role has developed to be the focal point of contact with all official external bodies who may impact the daily life of Sunderland Point, as well as to work on behalf of residents on any matter of concern.

Past and Present Activities


Flood Protection


As well as domestic flood protection, the SPCA led the now completed West Shore Project providing substantial sea defence for the ‘Sambo’s grave’ land strip.

Mission Trust


The SPCA sponsored the transfer of ownership of the Mission Church from the Church of England to a Charitable Trust, with the intention it will become a Community Heritage and Visitor Centre. 

Community Association


To provide a forum for all residents to discuss and take action on any issue impacting our lives from within or without the village - before we get washed away. Current projects include this website and improvements to the causeway. The Agenda and minutes of past meeting are always available to members.

Full rainbow, with double effect to the left, using panorama setting